Painting Kitchen Cabinets

Painting Cabinets

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May it be for aesthetic or practical purposes, you must have thought about painting your kitchen cabinets at least once. It may seem like an overwhelming task at first, due to the scope of the project or the possible costs. In today’s guide, we outline the most easy, cost-effective way to do it yourself and paint your own kitchen cabinets.

Painting your own kitchen cabinets is the most budget-friendly option to upgrade the overall look of your kitchen cabinets and customize it to your liking without having to spend it on replacing your cabinets. Here are some steps and tips to help you in preparing and painting your kitchen cabinets, whether they’re made of wood or laminate:



Tools and materials

Before you start painting your kitchen cabinets, it’s important to prepare both the materials and tools you will be using, as well as the cabinet itself for painting as well. Take a good look at your canvas – in this case, your cabinets – and consider which tools you should use to effectively paint them.

Choosing the paint: It’s important to choose the right kind of paint that works perfectly with what you envision, and is suitable to the kind of cabinet you have, whether they’re made from solid wood, laminate, or metal. It should be noted that while wood cabinets are ideal for painting, you can still paint on any surface if it can be scuffed by sandpaper.

It is also important to consider that laminate cabinets need a special bonding primer before painting, and ideally should be in good conditions to get the best results. It’s also worth noting that acrylic based latex paints are more durable and easier to clean up than vinyl paints. Just make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions to get the best results.

Planning and assessment

To avoid winging your project and jump right into painting the cabinets, you should carefully lay out the plans and procedures you have to take before, during, and after painting. The whole process might take more than a day, so you may need to plan accordingly.

Safety should also be a priority: wear the appropriate safety gear, make sure there is proper ventilation in the work area, and ideally work without any outside interference.
The first thing you should do on your cabinets is to assess its condition before you paint them. Determine if there are parts that need replacement and take note of them. Assess if the cabinet surface is in good condition. If the existing paint is still good, you can paint over it. Otherwise, you must remove the paint first using stripping products.

In preparing your kitchen cabinets for painting, make sure to empty them out first before you sand them. Labeling emptied out contents and accessories may be a good idea so you know where they go after. You should also make sure that the cabinet surface is clean and free of damages. Paint won’t stick properly if there is dust and grease present on your cabinet surfaces. Dents and holes should be filled as well, using either wood fillers, or Hesti’s Covercaps.

Next step is to prepare your work area. Cover countertops and appliances you want to protect to prevent paint from getting on them. You can take the extra step to vacuum everything to double check that everything is dust free before you start.



Priming your Kitchen Cabinets

Applying primer provides a suitable surface for the paint to stick to as well as cover any imperfections made during painting. To start, you should work from the inside of your kitchen cabinets to outside. In painting the cabinet’s sides, you should start at the back and work toward the front. Prime one area at a time using mini rollers on large, flat areas. Lay off by lightly going over the surface again using a dry roller or brush to remove buildup. Finally, prime the cabinet doors and drawers.

Painting your Kitchen Cabinets

Use the appropriate tools that could make your work easier, you can use both brushes and rollers in painting cabinets. You can also use spray paint if your painting skills are more advanced.
The first step in painting is to begin with the cabinet frames. High quality brushes can be used in painting smaller areas and foam rollers can be used in painting larger surfaces. Do the same steps and techniques you used during priming. Remember to lay off after the surface has been painted.

Next is to paint the cabinet’s backs and fronts. Start with the front pieces, then the backs. Let them dry and do it again. It is necessary to follow the paint directions so they can dry correctly.

After everything has dried, apply a second coat. Another step you can take is to refurbish your cabinet or drawer accessories. You can either refinish your hardware for a new look or simply wash and scruff them. Attach them correctly once cleaned.



Reassemble your Kitchen Cabinets.

Use the labels you attached earlier as a guide in putting your kitchen cabinets back together.
Simply follow these steps to to paint your kitchen cabinets and give it the makeover it desperately needs. You can get a sense of accomplishment if you do it yourself too!
Source: How to Prep and Paint Kitchen Cabinets

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